In REVEAL, photographs of Kitty Tornado (stage name), along with her writings, form an ever-evolving series visualizing her on and off-stage as not only a burlesque performer, but also as my best friend, muse, travel companion, and creative collaborator. Conveying at once her armor and vulnerability, Kitty bears the scars from childhood surgeries — namely, a liver transplant at age thirteen — and continues to navigate times of chronic illness and bodily upheaval.
I met Kitty shortly after she and her partner David moved from rural Michigan to Chicago in 2014, and she introduced me to burlesque by way of inviting me to one of her performances early on in her performance career. Shortly thereafter, I began photographing her at home and in shows.
In these intimate portraits, we see Kitty in her many lived roles, appearing on stage in feathers and sequins, drenched in colorful lighting, and as a performer in her own life — some in process of performance preparation, others in moments of pause at a table, in a shower, on a bed. We observe Kitty alongside members of her family, her husband, and me. Working together since 2016, Kitty has become habituated to the presence of my camera and acquiesces to perform scenes of her daily life, which can be joyous, dramatic, exhausting, and mundane all at once.